So glad to be back with Misi's Tuesday Display Chains. This week is ♥Valentine's♥ Thought I would start off by showing some of my displays from around the house.
I love my ornie's I got from Misi so much that I added them to my little tree along with some stuffed ♥'s I made.
Another favorite of mine is my Raggedy Anne from DH. He knows how much I love her and when I was little I had one that I carried around everywhere well from all the love she got tossed away and he searched flea markets till he found a replacement for me. Thanks hunny!
The CD is one of my favortite blasts from the past. Steelheart...I am probably dating myself here cause its from the early 90's and my favorite song on it is Angel Eyes. Check it out on Utube if you can...gotta wonder how this guy hits those high notes!!!!
And of course I had to leave you with some sweets...hubby snapped the photo for me. I love it!
Oh and I had to toss in some ♥'s with my greens on my front porch...don't they just look so pretty with all the greenery!
Hope everyone enjoys my little bit of "love" I spread around my home. Can't wait to see all of your displays
Hugs and smooches♥T