So I've been working on our master bedroom for a couple of weeks and just can't seem to get the feel I want. This is how it looks after all the cleaning and rearranging and DECLUTTERING!!! I need to have another yardsale again!!! I'm happy with the bedding for now. I turned my yellow quilt over to the plain side and added another old quilt that I forgot I had stored in daughter's closet. Kind of like how this is looking. I'm sure there will be lots more tweaking but for now its OK. Let me know what you think. Hope everyone has a wonderful week and remember how important the little things in life are! Hugs ♥T href="
Hi all! Hope everyone is having a great week. Today was a rainy day here in PA and I didn't get anything accompllshed. Thought I would share some photos from the preschool where I teach. These are children from a previous class I had. Now they are all in first grade.
Here's our graduates for 2010. They all looked so cute in their caps and gowns.
Wow I cleaned and cleaned yesterday! I am so pleased at how my LR looks now at least before the kids get a hold of it. So I snapped some pictures of it all neat and tidy. Hubby is away this week in Chicago so I am cleaning like crazy....NOT HIS STUFF of course. So I may have some more posts to show you this week. Have a great week everyone and remember to do something nice for someone. It could be as simple as helping someone pump their gas at the gas station...that happened to me last week and the elderly gentleman couldn't thank me enough. Gave me the warm fuzzies! Hugs ♥T Forgot to add these before. My new "old" basket and the crow box on the wall...luv them both.