What a beautiful day today here in Pa...despite a few raindrops. The sun was shining most of the day and I even got to wear my sunglasses for the first in awhile. The yard is still a swampy mess and I have doggy footprints all through the kitchen to enhance the comfy feel of my home. Oh well, this too shall pass and the sun will shine and the air conditioner will have to be turned on. I'm actually enjoying these cooler spring temps. I really don't like the heat.
I snapped a few pictures of some flowers in my yard. Izzy and I planted Morning glories in memory of my Dad...and they are blooming this year. I remember these growing on the side of the porch at the old homestead. So now I have my own to share with my Dad...hope they make him smile.
My friend Janet had these at her old home and I went and "stole" some from Becky so I will always have some with me. Sorry Janet I can't remember the name of them, its on the tip of my tongue, but I love them.
These lil' lovelies are growing everywhere with all the rain. Thought they deserved to get their picture taken.
Did alittle tweaking today during the rain and this is what I came up with for my hutch. It used to hold all my Rowe pottery but it needed a change.

The photo on the top is my parents wedding picture. The photo on the bottom shelf is Art's gramdparents in NYC. Some of my other goodies are from dear friends...Jen Gass made the stitchery pillows and they smell of lavendar. The pewter plate was a gift from my fellow coworker in crime, AKA Hollykins. She got herself the matching one. How appropriate for us both since we are both teachers. Some of the other goodies are thrift store finds, you all know how much I love thrifting!!! Nothing like the thrill of the hunt. Holly seems to think I have a problem...LOL NOT ME~
Did alittle tweaking in this corner...added the beehive that I picked up yesterday to my lil' bear. Got the stitchery as a PIF gift. Isn't it the cutest.
And here's Slim getting a ride in his favorite basket. Isn't he just the cutest teddy bear hamster ever.
Well that's about it for now. I'm watching the Pirates of the Carribean marathon so gonna run for now.
Thanks for stopping by and for all your wonderful comments. They really mean alot to me.
Have a blessed week!
Hugs ♥*T