Hi All,
Had a good time running around the today looking for "rags." Misi is away today so Teresa is holding today's display chain so go check out her blog.

My new display rack from my BFF! Finally got it hung up in the bathroom...Love it!

My favorite Raggedy, from DH. She reminds me of my childhood.

This is in my Diningroom, a rag hung on a special towel rack from a friend.

I found this bucket in my parents basement and had to have it. It was my grandmothers. Just tucked a piece of an old rag into it...just a simple display in the laundry room.

Top of my sewing machine. Added some simple moss covered balls in a wooden bowl for a springy touch! Rag from my friend, Amy and crock I found at the Amish store.

Made these pillows out of some old "rags" to go with my new coverlet.
Hope you enjoyed my "rags" for today.
Thanks to Teresa for hosting this weeks display chain.
Be sure to check out everyone's posts.
Have a great week friends!
Hugs and blessings♥T