Wow! I am loving all the displays you gals have come up with. This was such a grat idea Misi. They are so inspiring! I haven't done anything fancy with mine, but here they are....
Hope some more of you bloggers join in our little display chain. The more the merrier! Hugs ♥T
Did some more decorating today and snapped a few shots of the Dining room. Tweaked some other displays and will have to get some photos tomorrow of them. Cleaned lots of stuff out as I was decorating. Can't believe how my tastes change from year to year. Hope everyone in blogland is enjoying the beautiful fall weather. Can't wait to get my outside decorated next. Hugs to all! ♥T
Finally got in the attic to get out my totes of fall prims. I've discovered things that I will no longer be using. Here's some photos of it all laid out on my couch. It never fails that I always want something new and more prim from year to year. So I'm going to clean out as I decorate, I will be listing things on my selling blog if anyone is interested. Happy decorating everyone. I'm eating candy corn and burning a fall candle to put me in the mood and the weather is beautiful here in PA. hugs ♥T
I have been wanting shutters on my house FOREVER!!! Don't know how or why but hubby took me to Lowes today and let me pick them out. So what do ya think? I LOVE them. Now the house looks finished, except for restaining the deck. The stain we picked is called coffee. Can't wait to see what it all looks like once its finished. Hope you all are staying cool. Enjoy the holiday weekend. Hugs ♥T