So what a beautiful day to head out and do alittle shopping...I packed up the kiddos and headed to their favorite store-Gamestop. After that went to Gander Mountain for jeans for hubby and son then on to my favorite prim store Alechia's.....
She has the greatest prims there found a few goodies for myself and for some of my prim friends.....
Well the kids are hungry by this time so we stopped at BK and grabbed some far a great day for here is where the STUPIDITY of myself comes in.....upon getting to the red light leaving BK there is a sign there as a matter of fact 7 signs that tell you no left hand turn....yeah here it comes I turned left....
Now mind you a cop had just gone by and I figure he won't see me...he must have known what I had planned cause the ticket I got tells me so.....$109.50
Never listen to your 13 year old telling you to just go MOM!!!
I just texted hubby and am now waiting for my punishment....
Hey this was my very first ticket!!!ever and I hope the last I won't be doing that again!!!
Hope everyone gets a good laugh out of this cause I did for being so stupid and now I am super mad at myself!!!!
I will be taking up a collection for my ticket just send your change to YOU CANT FIX STUPID!!!!!