Yesterday I just couldn't stand it anymore. Stuff had to go and be moved around. The livingroom needed dusted so while I removed all the things on the fireplace to dust I decided to give alittle facelift. I was a bad girl yesterday and stopped at a favorite prim shop and bought myself alittle something. Do you love the runner or what?! I sooo...love runners and napkins and all those little colonial goodies. Oh and I didn't just buy this one....no, no, no....I got another runner and a napkin too. I will show you where I put those in another post.
What do you think of those hearts? I didn't make them...but I'm going to make some more! I have some made but they are much smaller and mine are out of colonial printed fabric.
My "lil sis" stopped by today and brought me some of her yummy fresh eggs. We had the best time just chatting and talking crafting. Gotta love friends that like what you like(not all of it)but some...she doesn't like things too dirty and grungy, but I'm working on her!
Well, friends hope you have a great weekend and stay warm wherever you are!!!!!
Hugs Theresa